Serving our students

Intensive Interagency

Intensive Interagency Program


What is the Intensive Interagency Program?

The Intensive Interagency Program was developed by Lake Agassiz to help support students struggling with emotional regulation and/or behavioral concerns. This program is offered to students from Kindergarten through 12th grade with the amount of provided service based on student needs documented in their IEP. The goal of the program is to help students develop the skills necessary to be successful in their resident district. Services/Supports are provided by both Lake Agassiz and Lakeland Mental Health staff. 

How do I know when these services should be considered?

These services should be considered when a student with special needs is unable to reach the goals and objectives of the IEP due to significant behavioral/emotional dysregulation. There must be existing goals on the current IEP that relate to the presenting concerns.  Documentation of previous interventions/strategies/services in the existing setting must be presented to the interagency program staff. Typically a student will be receiving services in at least a setting two environment at their home school before a referral.

What happens after referral for additional related services?

The interagency team will meet informally with the referring individual to review the presenting data. If it appears that this restrictive level of service is necessary to meet the goals and objectives set forth, the existing IEP must be modified.  Best practice would be to hold an IEP meeting, with related service providers in attendance. An amendment could then be completed, with parental consent.

What is the typical schedule for a student receiving these services?

Elementary students will spend the morning in the student’s home school receiving their academic instruction. Students are transported to Lake Agassiz after lunch. The afternoon sessions consist of three distinct classes—group counseling, social skills, and recreation and leisure.  Social skills instruction is presented via a group activity, presentation, video, or role-playing.  The recreational instruction consists of an array of activities that meet interest areas of the individuals participating in the group.  The group counseling session centers on individual’s current needs and issues.  Group members and staff give feedback and support.

For high school students, the program is designed for full-day participation. Coursework is developed based on the unique need of each student. Students follow a high school schedule and shift between classes hourly. As a student displays appropriate behaviors within this setting, they access general education classes via Hawley High School. The ultimate goal is to provide students with the necessary skills for sustained success in the general education environment, allowing for a transition back to their resident district.

What school calendar do students follow?

Lake Agassiz’s calendar will be followed.  Students will be transported, even if the home school is not in session unless weather conditions make it unsafe to do so.

Interagency Referral Packet

Lakeland CTSS Referral Form

Lakeland Mental Health Release of Information